UBC Forestry congratulates Salar Ghotb on receiving the David Martell Graduate Student Paper Prize at the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Annual Conference, held in London, Ontario from June 3 to June 5, 2024.
About Salar’s Research

Dr. Salar Ghotb is a PhD student in the Department of Wood Science. His thesis is on the “Optimization of log logistics at the operational level considering sorting decisions and synchronization requirements.”
About the Canadian Operational Research Society
The Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) is the leading Canadian professional society for operational researchers. Established in 1958, CORS brings together OR professionals with annual conferences held across Canada, special interest groups, traveling speaker programs, and student support. CORS sponsors the INFOR journal, an ISI-listed journal focusing on operations research, operations management, analytics, and information systems and also publishes the CORS Bulletin, a newsletter of the Society and related activities. CORS also represents the Canadian OR community in the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS).
About 10th David Martell Student Paper Prize in Forestry
This award recognizes outstanding scientific contributions on the theory, methodology and/or practice of OR in forestry by an undergraduate, a graduate student or a postdoctoral. The competition is for the best student paper submitted, published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal in the two years before the year of the competition. The award was named in honour of Professor Martell for his outstanding contributions to the development and application of OR in forestry in Canada and beyond as well as for his many contributions to the COR Society.