FCS Research

Faculty MemberSpecific Interest
Sally AitkenGenetic Structure & Diversity
Peter ArceseConservation Biology
Sarah Benson-AmramAnimal Behavior and Cognition
Agni Klintuni BoedhihartonoTropical Landscapes and Livelihoods
Jörg BohlmannForest Health Genomics, Chemical Ecology, Plant
Defense, Renewable Bioproducts
Tom BookerEvolutionary Genetics
Warren Cardinal-McTeaguePlant Biodiversity, Indigenous Relationships with
the Land, Ecosystem Health
Allan CarrollForest Insects
Lori DanielsWildfire Coexistance
Jonathan DaviesPhylogenetic Ecology
Yousry El-KassabyQuantitative Genetics/Genomics
Monika FischerFire-adapted Fungus
Sarah GergelLandscape Ecology & Conservation
Sue GraystonSoil Microbial Ecology
Richard HamelinForest Pathology
Scott HinchSalmon Ecology and Conservation
Danielle IgnaceIndigenous Natural Sciences
Maja KrzicSoil Science
Kathy MartinEcology, Alpine Birds
Tara MartinConservation & Ecology
Alex MooreCoastal Wetland Ecosystems
Isla Myers-SmithGlobal Change Ecology of Northern Ecosystems
Jeanine RhemtullaLandscapes & Livelihoods
Emily RubidgeSeascape Ecology and Conservation
Jeff SayerLandscape Approaches
Suzanne SimardForest Ecology, Plant-soil Microbial Interactions,
Terry SunderlandBiodiversity, Sustainable Resource Management,
Policy Influence
Tongli WangConservation Genetics, Scale-free Climate Models,
Landscape Genomics
Elizabeth WolkovichTemporal Ecology