
Undergraduate Promotional Material

Download the UBC Forestry Undergrad Poster

UBC Logos and Faculty Signatures

Unit signatures identify a faculty or department as being clearly part of UBC without diluting the brand. If you are uncertain about which signature to use or to request permission to use, please contact us.
.Eps and .Ai files available upon request.

For more information about UBC logos and the visual identity guide, visit the UBC Brand website.

All UBC Logos

UBC Logo

To download all UBC logos (crests and/or wordmarks), please visit the UBC Brand website.

Forestry Full Signatures

UBC Forestry Signature

This is the standard and preferred format for faculties and units who require an official unit signature. Faculties, schools and units can use their unit signature for many promotional purposes. However, in the case of stationery items and website headers or footers, the UBC Signature must be used.

Download black, blue and white signatures

Forestry Promo Signatures

UBC Forestry Promo Signature

This unit signature features the name of the faculty, school, unit or department more prominently and can be used for marketing purposes.

Download black, blue and white signatures

Forestry Narrow Signatures

UBC Forestry Narrow Signature

Like the Narrow UBC Signature, this should only be used when there is insufficient space for use of the full unit signature.

Download black, blue and white signatures

Forestry Short Signatures

UBC Forestry Short Signature

This signature option is less formal and is intended for audiences that already know that UBC stands for The University of British Columbia, or when used in conjunction with brand devices which already have the UBC logo in it such as the UBC Publication Bar or the UBC CLF.

Download black, blue and white signatures

Zoom Backgrounds

For a set of UBC Forestry Zoom backgrounds, please download the zip file of all backgrounds and use them in your Zoom application.

UBC Forestry Zoom Backgrounds
Download all our Zoom Backgrounds

Skype Backgrounds

For a set of UBC Forestry Skype backgrounds, please download the zip file of all backgrounds and use them in your Skype application.

Download all our Skype Backgrounds

Standard Email Signature

Download the UBC Forestry logo here and copy the format below:


Natasha Carter
Manager, Marketing and Communications
Faculty of Forestry | Dean’s Office
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Territory
Contact | | 778-822-1861
Info | |

UBC Forestry - Stay Home COVID-19 Email Signature - Wide

Faculty of Forestry Powerpoint Template

Download the Faculty Powerpoint Template

For UBC Powerpoint templates and Report Template for Word, please visit the UBC Brand website.