The Nature-based Future Challenge – WUR Student Challenge

In November 2023, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) launches the Nature-based Future Challenge with the support of the Foundation for Food & Agricultural Research (FFAR).

In short, the Nature-based Future Challenge is planned to start November 2023 and takes the students on a journey to create their own visions for a nature-based future in river deltas around the globe. In this first edition, we focus on the Bengal Delta in Bangladesh and think along with its stakeholders to envision a nature-inclusive and climate resilient transformation. This is the perfect opportunity for students to develop their ideas with the help of industry coaches, and experience what it is like to work across disciplines and contexts. This is an international competition and participation is fully online with a chance to visit our Wageningen Campus in the Netherlands for the top classified teams.

For an additional information and to join the challenge please visit their website. For any questions please contact