Please join our Urban Forestry Students are Presenting Posters in the FSC Atrium April 2 and 4, between 12 – 1:30 pm.
Please stop by and see the great work our BUF students are presenting while socializing with other students, faculty, staff, and community practitioners interested in the study of university neighborhoods as complex social-ecological systems. The BUF Program will be providing food and drinks for this casual and fun poster symposium and networking event!
What are the Bachelor of Urban Forestry (BUF) capstone (UFOR401) students working on?
The BUF Capstone students have been collaborating with SEEDS Sustainability Program, Campus and Community Planning, and the University Neighborhoods Association (UNA) on strategies and methods for measuring urban ecosystem structure, function, and services over time in order to inform decision-making at UBC. Specifically, our students engaged with different interest groups, practitioners, and residents involved with UBC’s new land use plan, and then developed projects to help inform the new Wesbrook Neighborhood plan amendment process that is now underway.
Students have been working in teams on intensive analyses of key themes identified by our community partners, and they also had the opportunity to develop individual projects which are meant to be a creative exploration for their own “portfolios” or visual resumes. Individual projects were designed by each student based on their interests and skills and will be presented in poster form on April 2 and April 4 in the FSC Atrium. Feel free to stop by and chat to students about urban forest research and management, landscape design, and thermal dynamics at UBC in between 12-130 pm in the atrium! If you are interested in watching their team presentations you are also welcome to stop by the classroom (West Mall Swing Space 205) from 11-2pm of Tuesday and Thursday the following week (April 9 and April 11).
Over 40 posters will be presented during the two-day symposium that consider a broad range of urban forestry themes. Below are a few examples of what are students are interested in:
- Reimagining Green Network Planning and Management
- A Comprehensive Toolkit for Studying Urban Heat at UBC: High-Resolution Landcover Classification and Land Surface Temperature Derivation Tools
- Rooting for Success: a Decision Framework for Soil Cell Installation
- A Time Series Analysis of Healthy Vegetation in Westbrook Village
- Optimizing Urban Green Spaces: Evaluating Canopy Shapes and Tree Species for Shading Services in the Westbrook Neighbourhood
- Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services: Locating Landscape Values of Outdoor Spaces on the UBC Campus
In case you are also interested in the team presentations, below is a schedule of the teams and their themes! As a reminder, students are focusing on the Wesbrook Neighborhood on UBC’s Campus.
Tuesday, April 9
- 11:10 am: The Forest Spirits: Nick Mantegna, Jiahou Lyu, Ximing Lin, Ziheng Niu, presenting on Urban Structure
- 11:30 am: Climate Crafters: Samantha Huang, Molly Kim, Rose Ren, Rebecca Liu presenting on Ecosystem Service Assessment of Water Features
- Break: 11:50 – 12:10
- 12:10 pm: Tree Trackers: Thomas Huen, Luke Baes, Anson Pao, Shichun Wu, Yuhan Chen presenting on Tree Inventory
- 12:30 pm: Shrubbies: Tessa Black, Lucila Gonzalez, Larry Liu, Tingting Zhang presenting on Shrub Inventory
- 12:50 pm: Ecopolis: Sophie Damian, Shane Hunt, Johnny Zhen, Max Garvey presenting on Assessment of Biodiversity, Resilience, and Cooling
Thursday, April 11
- 11:10 am: Giraffe GIS: Madeleine Martin, Troy Sgro, Xiaofan Shen, Naomi Sun presenting on Land Use and Land Cover Mapping
- 11:30 am: Thermal Toasters: Daniel Shen, Charise Pelan-Maclean, Ashley Zhu, Gavin Lyu presenting on Temporal Surface Temperature Changes
- 11:50 pm: SALA: Sierra Wheeler, April Liu, Angellet Soh, Liam Sullivan presenting on Hot Spot Analysis
- Break: 12:10 – 12:30 –
- 12:30 pm: Pavement to Park Professionals: Tyler Blackwell, Heather Bylsma, Mark Fillo, Helen He presenting on Open Space Typology
- 12:50 pm: Open Space Innovators: Fernanda Navarro, Saara Tanha, Youquan Gong, Malli Granby, Hana Kimura presenting on Observational Assessment of Greenspace Use
- 1:10 pm: ABGD Co.: Bernadette Uy, Alerik Wang, Damian Augustyn, Gavin Zeng presenting on Interactive Mapping of Perceptions of Thermal Comfort