
Giving to a Greener Future

In the face of climate change, habitat and species loss and rapid urbanization, the demand for transdisciplinary and innovative solutions is more urgent than ever. UBC Forestry is committed to tackling these pressing global issues through world-leading research, education and community outreach. This includes sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation, bio-based materials, mass timber and tall wood buildings, Indigenous ecological knowledge, urban forestry and more. However, we cannot do it alone.  

Will you partner with us in creating a more sustainable future for our planet and generations to come? 

Priority Areas You Can Impact 

Centre for Wildfire Coexistence

Catalyze our efforts to revolutionize BC’s wildfire preparedness and address the current high wildfire threat on the ground by supporting our accelerator fund for the Centre for Wildfire Coexistence.

Malcolm Knapp Research Forest Renewal Project

Help realize our dream in creating a hub for nature-based research and education, engaging world-class scholars, researchers, and the general public at our research forest in Maple Ridge.

Wild and Immersive

Instill appreciation and protection for the forest and well-being among children and youth through inspiring, nature-based programs at Wild & Immersive in our Research Forests.

Experiential Learning on Haida Gwaii

Grant students the opportunity to embark on a comprehensive and impactful educational journey, fostering enriched learning that extends beyond the classroom in Haida Gwaii.

Forestry Field School

Support the future forestry workforce by enabling students to actively engage in field school, a key milestone in their education covering basic sciences, ecology, silviculture, hydrology, and more.

Student Awards

Empower forestry students to fully engage in world-class studies, reducing their financial constraints, and preparing them to become the next generation of leaders.

We welcome the opportunity to partner with you in realizing your philanthropic passions beyond these priority areas. Please get in touch and learn more about how you can make a difference.

Support in Action

The Heller family established funds supporting UBC Forestry education, research, and outreach. Their flexible donations aid innovative projects, student success, and advancing wood science and sustainable forestry practices.

Mosaic's $1.25M gift to UBC Forestry enhances education and industry ties, securing BC's global forestry prominence. Domenico Iannidinardo underscores Mosaic's dedication to community and sustainability, fostering a greener future.

A new undergraduate bursary helps wood science students realize their dreams.

“We have come to a point where we have surpassed being passive characters in the story of our planet. We are now its authors. Our challenge is to see if we can continue to thrive without inflicting irreversible damage, not only to our forests and other natural ecosystems, but to our urban spaces, as well.”

– Rob Kozak, Faculty of Forestry, Dean and Professor 

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