Forest Inventory Data Analyst at BC Public Service in Victoria, BC

This work term, I continued my position with the Ministry of Forests in the Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch from last term. My main task this term was to produce a regression model analysis report used to compare and evaluate the performance of two tree height estimation models, as well as present the findings to our branch with my supervisor. I also created an R-based app used for streamlining the process of reviewing and analysing spatial data for the inventory update team. Through my work, I gained skills in writing and presenting scientific reports, generating professional graphs and visual in R, evaluating the prediction accuracy of regression models, programming apps using the R Shiny package and processing spatial data in R and QGIS. Co-op has been a great opportunity for my career development, and in this job I was able to gain a variety of different skills and learn about the career paths are possible in forestry.