Environment and Carbon Management Co-op Student; Fortis BC

This summer I have been working on FortisBC’s carbon management and environment team. My main responsibility has been researching how they could use nature-based carbon offsets to reduce their overall emissions, but I also assist in writing grant applications to the B.C. government, and surveying gas plants for leaks. I have gained extensive knowledge into FortisBC’s role in the clean-energy transition and how the global carbon offset market operates. It has been interesting for me to see how the B.C. government and big corporations use purchased carbon credits to reach their goals of being carbon neutral, and how different projects have been more successful in generating carbon offsets than others. This is my third co-op term and I will be returning to FortisBC for my fourth. Being in co-op has been a highly valuable experience for me as I have been able to gain experience in a variety of industries where my degree could be applicable. I would highly recommend that any forestry student join co-op, but specifically those who are unsure about what they could do with their degree post grad, as the program exposes you to so many potential opportunities.