Community Wildlife Resiliency Coordinator at City of Port Moody in Port Moody, BC

For my final co-op work term, I had the pleasure of working as the Community Wildfire Resiliency Coordinator for Port Moody Fire Rescue. In this role, I was involved in every aspect of wildfire management and emergency response in a municipal context. Over the past 5 months, my main task was developing a presentation and report for Port Moody City Council to adopt the updated 2019 Community Wildfire Protection Plan, which is a document that outlines a toolbox of best practices for wildfire threat mitigation and adaptation. This began with reviewing the draft document and prioritizing recommended action items, from neighbourhood FireSmart education to by-law amendments. Subsequently, I organized the diverse scope of action items into summary statistics in the form of charts and diagrams for ongoing project management. I also had the opportunity to participate in a province-wide emergency response exercise simulating what would happen if an Earthquake were to hit coastal BC. When I am not in the office, I am outside assisting Environment staff with Nature Walks and addressed any questions related to wildfire management and ecological restoration.
I am so grateful to have gained insights into how climate adaptation policies are adopted into municipal legislation. I thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with other city departments on environmental projects, as environmental management challenges are often interdisciplinary in nature. Thank you to UBC Forestry Co-op and my wonderful supervisor Deputy Chief Kirk Heaven for this wonderful and memorable opportunity!
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