Natural Resource Technician with Burns Lake Community Forest Ltd. in Burns Lake, BC
For nearly the past two months, I’ve been working in the Burns Lake Community Forest (BLCM) for my second Co-op work term. Burns Lake Community Forest is one of the largest community forests, which spans over 92,000 hectares, and manages the land both through a mix of using silvicultural and harvesting techniques. The community forest works with all kinds of parties ranging from logging companies like Babine Forest Products to the many indingenous groups within the area like the Wetʼsuwetʼen First Nation. I handle a lot of day-to-day tasks with my coworker Matt, ranging from jobs around the office and shop, to even helping with prescribed burning with some of the best fire crews in British Columbia. Though planting season is nearly over, I’ve been having a blast working with Hybrid 17, the local planting company working with Burns Lake Community Forest this year. The intricacy and excitement of working with this community forest is something that Forestry Co-op provides in troves and I can’t wait for what the rest of this summer work term has to offer!
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