Field Team Member; Surrey’s Natural Areas Partnership (SNAP)

I have been working in the Surrey’s Natural Areas Partnership (SNAP) program as a member of the Fall Field Team. The work content at SNAP varied every day, ranging from removing invasive species, preparing for community planting events, and planting trees and seedlings in Surrey parks. Other activities included bird watching, snail hunting and building beaver fences in collaboration with other organizations.
Working at SNAP with the support from co-op program is my first job experience, the starting page of my career related to Urban forestry, so I am very excited and grateful for this opportunity.
I improved my professional knowledge and skills, physical endurance in an outdoor working environment, and social networking and team cooperation through every day work.
Even though the job means getting up early every day and a long commute, at the end of the work term, I still found it enjoyable to be out in the field facing sun or rain with the lovely team. Joining co-op with lots of valuable job opportunities like SNAP that encourages thinking, hard work, and growth is beneficial for all students throughout our lives.