Intern at Fiddlehead Nursery

My name is Zewen and I am working in Kimberley, Ontario for my first co-op term. I am working on a farm called Fiddlehead Nursery. In the nursery we sell a wide range of edible perennial plants. I have been doing plant maintenance, gardening, and other tasks like the construction of the chicken coop. I would sometimes do sales job by helping out the customers and answering the questions. I would do mulching and weeding in the gardens twice or three times a month. During the day I would just pot up plants in the greenhouse, or simply do harvesting when the fruits start to ripen. I have met lots of different people from a variety of backgrounds. By interacting with them, I have greatly improved my oral communication skills. I also applied some of the knowledge I learned at UBC Forestry. For example, I did softwood cuttings in July, and I have never practiced it despite learning about it at university. I would recommend the co-op program because it is a really effectively way to apply your knowledge by doing various tasks and fieldwork. The co-op program also provides the opportunity for a student to grow as a more complete human being. The work experiences will help to prepare for your future career after graduating. Compared to those who graduated without any working experience, you would already be ahead in the job-search.