Sheppard, Stephen
Professor Emeritus
Director, Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning
Department of Forest Resources Management
Forest Sciences Centre 2026
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
work phone: 604-822-6582
Research Areas:
Climate ChangeCommunicationsCommunities and LivelihoodsEnergy PolicyLandscape PlanningSimulationSocial ScienceSustainabilityUrban ForestryUrban PlanningMy researched is focused on:
Climate change planning, outreach, and community engagement; visioning methods and visualization of climate change causes, impacts, and mitigation/adaptation; low-carbon future scenarios visualized in the CIRS’ BC Hydro Decision Theatre; community energy planning, renewables, and energy literacy; public perceptions, aesthetics and sustainability; social aspects of forestry.
Future visioning of local climate change scenarios with integrated geomatics/visualization systems. (2009-12) PI: Stephen R.J. Sheppard. (Yr 3 2011-12 $169,724)
Geomatics for Informed Decisions (GEOIDE)
Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE)
Peter Wall Distinguished Scholars In Residence (2009-10) 2009
Wildlife Habitat Canada Forest Stewardship Award (presented to CANFOR and scientists at UBC Faculty of Forestry for collaborative efforts to develop and implement a Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Framework in BC 2004
ASLA Merit Award 1984
ASLA Honor Award 1983
Spotlight Teaching Award (Sustainability Initiative, UBC, 2010-11) 2011
ICLEI Europe Book fo the Month Award for 2012Institute for Social Sustainability Research Fellow (University of Plymouth, UK, 2011-14)
University Sustainability Initiative Research Fellow (University of BC, 2011-13)