LeMay, Valerie
Professor Emerita, Forest Biometrics and Forest Measurements
Department of Forest Resources Management
Forest Sciences Centre 2045
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
work phone: 604-822-4770
My areas of research are focused on:
- Spatial analyses models and methods to provide information up to larger spatial scales or down to local scales
- Imputation methods (nearest neighbour, model-based, etc.) for integrating multivariate and multi-source forest inventory information at one time and over time
- Developing methods to link growth and yield models with forest inventory data for forest level analyses
- Estimation of regeneration following partial cutting using overstory and ecological information using model-based and distribution-free methods
- Developing measures of structural diversity, including indices that combine spatial, species, and size heterogeneity
- Spatial analyses of tree spatial patterns over time using parameter prediction within a mixed-effects modelling framework
- Tree taper, volume, crown length, and leaf area models using nonlinear mixed-effects models
- Estimating tree internal decay using tobit, distribution-free, and other estimators
- Modelling changes in tree taper and shape over time
- Spatio-temporal analyses of plants and animals
- Meta-analysis of field experimental data for impacts of spacing and other silvicultural prescriptions
- Meta-analysis of published information for genetic impacts on growth at the stand-level
I teach courses in forest biometrics and forest measurements including: introductory and advanced forest measurements; information and data for forest management and conservation; advanced modelling using mixed-effects linear, nonlinear, and generalized linear models; applied multivariate analyses; and experimental design and analysis using a model-based approach. I have developed workshops on most of these topics, including one-day workshops on tree and stand measurements to obtain a estimate of volume, biomass, and carbon per ha for a small area.
Faculty of Forestry Killam Teaching Award 2004
Nominated for Graduate Students Mentoring Award 2004
Faculty of Graduate Studies Killam Teaching Award 2011