Dr. Cristiano Loss

Dr. Cristiano Loss is the lead developer and instructor of the Hybrid Timber Construction Micro-Certificate program with support from colleagues in the Faculty of Forestry and experts across all sectors.
Dr. Cristiano Loss is an Assistant Professor in the Wood Science Department at the University of British Columbia (UBC), specializing in sustainable structural systems, with an emphasis on high-performance hybrid wood-based structures and performance-based optimum design procedures for a resilient built environment. He is the Chair of the UBC Sustainable Engineered Structural Solutions Laboratory. He has extensive involvement in public-funded and industrial applied-research projects, having conducted research for the Italian Civil Protection Department and the Italian Laboratories University Network of Seismic Engineering Consortium, and acting as Principal Investigator in many projects financed by the Government of Canada. He participated in the Italian code development with seismic design provisions specific for timber structures and design guidelines–CNR-DT 206–instructions for timber construction design, execution, and assessment. He also authored research reports and a design manual for timber builders. Among successful knowledge transfers from academia to industry, his record also lists several granted patents. He is a designated member of the Connections- and System Design-Subcommittees of the Canadian Standard Association Technical Committee CSA-O86 and a member of the European Technical Committee ECCS-TC 11–Composite Structures. In addition, he is a voting member in several subcommittees of the ASTM-D07. He serves on the International Scientific Committee panel of the 2023 World Conference on Timber Engineering.