Courses and Timeline

Program Structure

The overall program length is 8 weeks (including 1 week break). The required study hours per week are 7-8. The program will be offered 2 times a year (Oct-Dec and Feb-Apr) and can be taken in smaller sections (course-by-course) if students cannot commit to the entire 8-week program in one offering.


  • Course 1: Introduction to LCA of Clean Fuels (3 weeks)
    • October 14 – November 1, 2024
  • Course 2: Introduction to LCA within Clean Fuel Policy, Part 1 (2 weeks)
    • November 11 – 29, 2024
  • Course 3: Introduction to LCA within Clean Fuel Policy, Part 2 (2 weeks)
    • December 1 – 20, 2024

Courses must be taken in sequential order, as they build on one another, but may be taken in different offerings within a two-year time frame to receive the micro-certificate.

Timeline to Completion

Participants have the flexibility to set their own timeline to completion, within a maximum of two years.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course 1: Introduction to LCA of Clean Fuels

  1. Explain the origins of LCA and its use in fuel policy
  2. Apply the phases of LCA under the ISO 14040 standard
  3. Recognize and explain the fundamentals and key parameters of an LCA
  4. Argument the food vs. fuel debate
  1. Develop a process flow diagram for a product or service lifecycle
  2. Explain data requirements under ISO 14040
  3. Perform a basic lifecycle inventory and allocate emissions in multi-product systems
  1. Explain the origins of GWP and how to use them in an LCA
  2. Determine the carbon intensity of a fuel
  3. Interpret a fuel carbon intensity

Course 2: Introduction to LCA within Clean Fuel Policy, Part 1

  1. Explain the clean fuel regulation landscape in North America
  2. Apply LCA is used within the clean fuel policy
  3. Explain the LCA requirements under the Canadian clean fuel regulations
  1. Perform a carbon intensity calculation under the Clean Fuel Regulation
  2. Explain the functionality of and how to navigate openLCA and the Fuel LCA Model
  3. Perform a lifecycle analysis of a fuel in the Fuel LCA Model

Course 3: Introduction to LCA within Clean Fuel Policy, Part 2

  1. Perform a carbon intensity calculation under the BC-LCFS
  2. Explain the capabilities of GHGenius and how to navigate the model
  3. Perform a lifecycle analysis of a fuel in GHGenius
  1. Determine the value of GHG reductions under clean fuel programs
  2. Perform a techno-economic assessment of fuels to support business decisions
  3. Identify areas within a fuel’s lifecycle that have the biggest impact on the carbon intensity