The Transatlantic Forestry Master (TRANSFOR-M) is a 2-year program that is in partnership with other European and Canadian Universities. This partnership is a unique course-based educational experience, which provides students with the opportunity to explore forestry both in Europe and Canada.
Each UBC TRANSFOR-M student will receive upon completion of the program the UBC Master of Forestry (MF) degree and one of the degrees offered by the European Host University:
- Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (Germany – MSc Forest Sciences)
- Bangor University (Wales, UK – MSc Agroforestry / MSc Conservation and Land Management / MSc Environmental Forestry)
- University of Eastern Finland (Finland – MSc Agriculture and Forestry)
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria – M.Sc. Mountain Forestry)
- University of Padova (Italy – M.Sc. Forest Science)
Current TRANSFOR-M Students
Babatunji, Mercy

I have a background in Forest Resources Management from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. My undergraduate studies exposed me to economics, management, and social aspects of forestry. This has spurred an interest in me to learn about how the world’s forests can be managed sustainably. I have worked as a student intern in various public forestry organisations. Upon graduation, I picked up a job as a graduate assistant in Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan and also volunteered with tree planting projects for a while. I enjoy giving back to the community and this motivated me to volunteer with a local NGO that advocates and sponsors education of children living in low-income communities. I have decided to study at UBC given its high-profile research edge in Forestry and consistent professional forestry record. The Master of Forestry course at UBC aligns with my long-term goal of becoming a high-profile social forester and environmentalist. I also aim to further my postgraduate research in urban forestry while working with NGOs to ensure and advocate for sustainability of the world’s forests.
Cleland, Sophie

Hello, my name is Sophie and I grew up along the coast in Rhode Island, USA. Attending the University of Vermont for my undergraduate education, I quickly fell in love with Vermont’s diverse forest ecosystems. Graduating with a B.S. in Environmental Science, I have since served as a TerraCorps (AmeriCorps) service member and most recently have worked as Garden Manager at a non-profit nature preserve where I have gained tremendous hands-on experience in sustainable farming, natural resource management and community engagement. Participating in the TRANSFOR-M program at the University of British Columbia, I am excited to spend my first year at Bangor University in Wales, earning a MSc. in Agroforestry and Food Security. I look forward to pioneering solutions for large-scale, transformational change within the global food system and developing specialized agroforestry techniques that create effective forest-minded food system solutions. Ultimately, I hope to work towards both resilient forested landscapes and healthy communities. Outside of my studies, I enjoy gardening, beekeeping, hiking, and skiing.
Bhattarai, Lokesh

I am from Nepal, a mountainous country eminent for Everest, so my affinity and love for nature is instinct. Because of this, I have done my undergraduate in Forestry, which is the core subject of choice for somebody who wishes to gain a theoretical base on natural resources, biodiversity and ecology. Besides my course work, I have been an active member of different volunteer organizations, a voracious reader, and an obsessive traveler from the very beginning of my college days. It will be an absolute delight and privilege to be studying this program in these revered universities. This will enrich my life not only with a global and in-depth understanding of my subject matter but also with a global exposure with peoples of different countries, backgrounds, and beliefs, and experiences of travel abroad. I will be completing Msc. Mountain Forestry from BOKU, Vienna before coming to UBC as a part of TRANSFOR-M program.
Escobar, Sebastian Tapia

I’m Sebastian, from Mexico City, currently living in Valle de Bravo, a small but beautiful town in the central-west part of the country. I studied Law at Tecnológico de Monterrey, a prestigious university here in Mexico. During my work experience in public administration, I realized that nature and ecosystems are the most important things in the world. This realization led me to focus on learning about agroforestry systems through various courses. Nowadays, in addition to working as a lawyer, I have implemented two small-scale agroforestry systems on my family’s natural reserve, started a compost business, and a small-scale tree nursery. I believe that it is every human being’s responsibility to understand what surrounds us, including tree species. I see us as integral parts of nature’s processes. Knowing when to collect seeds from the trees in our hometown and how to reproduce them is a task that all humans must undertake, as it is part of our nature. Studying at Padua and UBC is a great honor for me because they are world-class universities in forestry and agriculture. I am confident that I will learn a lot more about these subjects. I look forward to combining law and science to develop better public policies and actions for improved management of our ecosystems and the food we consume. I love rock climbing, hiking, and soccer.
Francis, Bernice

My name is Bernice. I studied Forestry and Wildlife Management at the Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Nigeria. During my bachelor’s program, I gained valuable experience through internships with the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Kainji Lake National Park, and Bisrod Company and Furniture. After completing my bachelor’s degree, I worked with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment. There, I participated in village outreach programs, raising awareness about forest conservation, tree planting, and rural women empowerment. I also trained students on industrial training biometrics and agricultural extension. In addition to my work experience, I volunteered with the James Omeiza Foundation, a local NGO where I efficiently managed their MIS platform and participated in their scholarship program for orphans and underprivileged children. My passion for forest conservation motivates me to pursue a master’s program. I want to contribute to research that addresses forest ecological challenges and after completing this program, I aspire to assist developing countries in building capacity for forest management and tackling global issues like deforestation. Outside of academia, I enjoy singing, hiking, camping and volunteering. I am excited to participate in the TRANSFOR-M program this fall as this program offers a valuable opportunity to network with other professionals in my field, potentially opening doors to future endeavors.
Hjelström, Sebastian

I’m a graduate student from Stockholm, Sweden currently enrolled in the Master of Forestry (Transfor-M) programme. I received my BSc with a Major in Forest Science from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. My interests center on how improved understanding of forest ecology and ecosystem dynamics can inform innovative and responsible strategies for sustainable forest management and I aspire to one day conduct research in this field. During my time at UBC I am especially interested in developing my understanding of statistical and experimental approaches to understanding forest ecosystems. When I’m not studying I prefer to spend my time reading, fishing or hitting the sauna.
Hutchins, Bryce

Hi all, I’m Bryce. I’m from Eureka, a small coastal town in Northern California. I grew up among the old growth redwoods, mountains, and wild coastline of Humboldt County and have carried a love for forests and the environment ever since. I graduated from the University of California, Berkeley (2020) with a dual degree in Ecosystem Management and Forestry (BSc) and Conservation Resource Studies (BSc Hons). My academic interests have primarily focused on sustainable development and natural resource management in Latin America. I’ve spent time studying abroad, conducting research, or working in Bolivia, Chile, and Australia. Since graduating I have worked in Northern California for CAL FIRE, GrizzlyCorps (AmeriCorps), and for the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, where I have been managing the Forest Health and Resiliency Program prior to my participation in the TRANSFOR-M program. After two years of enriching experience working in forestry, I am excited to return to academia at both UBC and Bangor University, where I will pursue a MSc in Agroforestry and Food Security. I hope to continue pursuing my interests in socio-ecological sustainability and development and its intersection with forestry. Outside of work and studies I love hiking, backpacking, traveling, and photographing.
Laajalehto, Juuso

Originally from smaller town called Jokioinen, but I completed my Bachelor of Forestry at the University of Eastern Finland. During my studies, I co-founded a company that provides forestry-related jobs for students. Additionally, I have gained practical experience by working two summers with UPM (United Paper Mills) in Finland, focusing on forest operations and roundwood logistics, managing approximately 2 million cubic meters of roundwood. My decision to pursue the TRANSFOR-M program at UBC was sparked during a university presentation, seeing it as an excellent opportunity to expand my horizons. Beyond academics, I am an avid football fan! Idea of exploring and understanding new aspects drove me to continue my education with a Master’s program. I’m really passionate about combining environmental issues with my interest in economics and finance. I’ve taken a bunch of extra courses in these areas because I think they can really help make a difference in environmental sustainability.
Lawrence, Emmett

I grew up on a small island in the San Juan Archipielago of the Pacific Northwest. Much of my youth was spent exploring and playing the coastal forests of my island home. I went on to study environment science at the University of Washington. While in school, I studied abroad multiple times in Latin America, including a senior capstone project examining a fungal pathogen decimating cacao plantations. Upon graduation I worked for a collection of different environmental conservation entities, including the Lopez Island Conservation corps, a technician for the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group, and a summer building trails in Mount Rainier National Park. These experiences instilled a passion for conscientious, eco-centric land stewardship. Eventually I moved to California to apprentice under a master arborist, learn to climb trees, and pursue a career in arboriculture. This eventually led to the founding of my own tree care company. Connections in the arborist world led to my participation in tree canopy research and trainings with Latin American biologists in Colombia, South America. Next year I will take part in the Euroforester program at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Southern Sweden. The Transfor-M program is an exciting opportunity for me to build an international network of foresters dedicated to the conservation of forest ecosystems all over the world. My hobbies include oil painting, hiking, surfing, and woodcarving.
Lee, David

Hi, I’m David Lee. I was born in southern Brazil and was raised in Taiwan. After completing high school, I began living in Bielefeld, a small city in western Germany, for the next 4 years. In these years, I learned German and finished my bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. In my undergraduate degree, I was very interested in topics such as evolution, ecology and phenotypic plasticity. For my thesis, I studied the salamander population in a forest in Bohn, Germany and the application of photographic mark-recapture tecchniques on the species. Afterwards, I moved back to Taiwan and worked as a research assistant at the fishery science institution at National Taiwan University in 2021. While I was there, I was appointed researcher of green sea turtles on Taiping Island in the South China Sea. Our team studied the nesting behaviour of the turtle population near Taiping Island and the hatching rate at nesting sites with different microclimates. In 2022, I learned about the TRANSFOR-M program and immediately applied for it. Soon afterwards, I was studying Forestry at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. My topic of interest is forest fire hazards and fire ecology. If all things go well, I will be coming to UBC in fall term 2024. I look forward to UBC and exploring Canada!
Lesh, Chloe

Hi all! My name is Chloe and I grew up on a small island near Seattle, Washington, USA. Growing up in the lush temperate rainforest of the Pacific Northwest cultivated my interest in nature, biology, and the environment. One of my favorite activities as a kid was finding and admiring the vast array of invertebrates that share our world, from spiders and beetles to worms and moon snails. My interest in arthropods, especially spiders, shaped my undergraduate studies and led me to double major in Organismal Biology and Dance at Scripps College in California. At Scripps I worked as a biology tutor, a biology lab teaching assistant, a research assistant, and a research fellow. As a research fellow I had the opportunity to research in the tropical rainforest of Costa Rica regarding social behavior of the golden silk orbweaver (Trichonephila clavipes). It was this research experience that deepened my interest in forestry and forest sciences; I am beyond excited to study these subjects in Padova and in Vancouver. I am particularly drawn to forest entomology as my focus and also hope to learn more about natural resource economics and explore the intersection of these two areas. Outside of my studies I enjoy reading, listening to music, dancing, hiking, running, and photography (specifically of invertebrates).
Miller, Sydney

Hi everyone! My name is Sydney and I grew up in Georgetown, Ontario, a few hours outside of Toronto. Most of my childhood was spent running through the ravine behind my house, where I caught one too many bugs for my mom’s liking and always returned home with a healthy amount of dirt on my clothes. I graduated in 2022 from the University of Toronto Mississauga with a major in environmental science and double minors in biology and sustainability. During my undergrad, I worked as a research assistant in a freshwater ecology lab, a global change and plant physiology lab, and conducted my fourth-year research project on benthic macroinvertebrate diversity and stream health. Since graduating, I have worked as a research assistant in agriscience, restoration field staff for a conservation authority, and most recently as a conservation technician assistant. I chose TRANSFOR-M as it allows me to combine my interests in conservation with a technical forestry background, through Land Management and Conservation at Bangor and Forestry at UBC, respectively. Throughout my work in conservation, this is an intersection I have become very passionate about and would love to research further. In my free time I like to run, hike, play soccer, and bake.
Moir, Anthony

I am from Edmonton, AB, where I studied Conservation Biology at the University of Alberta. I have spent most of my time away from working in the social services field but most recently have worked for Alberta Parks at William A. Switzer Provincial Park. I enjoy the hiking, biking, rock climbing, camping, photography and painting. I chose the TRANSFOR-M program to learn about Environmental/Forestry practices overseas as well as domestically. I wish to learn more about the differing perspectives in resource management and forestry. I look forward to my two years in the TRANSFOR-M.
Mree, Chisol Luis

I am Chisol Luis Mree, currently studying in the Forest Ecology and Sustainable Management Master’s programme in the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Previously I studied Forestry and Environmental Science from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh. I have a keen interest in sustainable forest management and ecosystem resiliency using high-tech, stat-of-the-art innovations and technological development. I have also published a scientific paper on the topic of residents’ perception of ecotourism in a highly biodiverse freshwater forest in Sylhet (Ratargul Freshwater Swamp Forest); as such I am highly informed on the importance of local participation on the conservation of local forest ecosystems. I enjoy playing guitar very much, pretty much one of the few passions I have managed to retain over the years.
Pogliano, Sofia

I’m from San Diego, California. I’ve always loved plants and nature, so when I went to Wesleyan University for undergrad I majored in Biology. I graduated in 2023 and during my first few years I originally took many cellular and molecular biology courses and did research projects in fly genetics and molecular plant science. However, after taking a forest ecology class, I realized that my true passion lies in forests and environmental science. I participated in a research project studying the health of Ash trees in Connecticut, which was a great project and helped confirm that I want to continue studying forest ecology. I also love studying languages, so the TRANSFOR-M program stood out to me for its unique opportunity to study internationally. I am hoping to be able to combine these two passions and be able to help study and protect the world’s forests. I am excited to be going to the University of Padua in Italy this year, and UBC the next year. Outside of my studies I love baking, painting, and moving around outside (such as playing soccer, running, and climbing) and I am currently learning to surf!
Pokharel, Manoj

I am Manoj Pokharel from Nepal. I did my bachelor’s in Environmental Science with a focus on biodiversity conservation. As part of the TRANSFOR-M, in my first year, I am pursuing an MSc. in Forest Science at the University of Padova, and in my second year, I will continue my studies at UBC, where I will pursue a Master of Forestry. After my bachelor’s, I dedicated around three years to freelance research and conservation efforts in Nepal, focusing on threatened mammals, especially sloth bears. My work encompassed grant writing, research design, fieldwork involving sign surveys and camera traps, developing educational materials, and conducting outreach and training to local stakeholders fostering community-based wildlife conservation. I am a founder and lead investigator of The Sloth Bear Project, Nepal, co-founder of a non-profit called WILD CARE and member of various conservation organizations and groups including IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group and SAVE THE FROGS!. My primary interests lie in wildlife and forest ecology, statistics, remote sensing, and restoration ecology. I am passionate about addressing nature conservation and management challenges through a holistic approach that integrates these diverse fields. During my time at UBC, I aim to hone my skills in my areas of interest and enhance my networking abilities. Outside of my academic and professional pursuits, I enjoy singing, hiking, running, listening to music, and reading.
Richards, Peter

I was raised next to an eastern hemlock forest in Connecticut, though the last six years I have been fortunate to call California home. I graduated from the University of San Francisco in 2020 with an Environmental Studies degree, studying music on the side. Post graduation, I took a trip to the Olympic Mountains where I became fascinated by old growth forests. Once back in California, I started working on tree crews, eventually becoming a consulting arborist. I wanted to work towards protecting natural environments, so last year I led and worked on ecology field crews, mainly studying the effects of fire in the Sierra Nevada. Mentors at the US Forest Service inspired me to pursue a masters, both for the experience and to break down barriers of entry in the conservation world. For my first year in the program, I’ll be in Padova, where I hope to soak up as much as I can both in school and as a young person abroad. After, I’m excited to work in the Hamelin Lab at UBC, studying plant/fungal interactions through the lens of forest health. I hope to continue with forest ecology after graduating, either through PhD research or as an ecologist for a forestry/conservation organization. My hobbies revolve around nature and music, and include surfing, snowboarding, backpacking, and playing guitar and mandolin. Looking forward to what lies ahead!
Sadat, Mohammad Rafi

This is Rafi from Kabul, Afghanistan. At the age of sixteen, I became deeply concerned about the alarming extent of damage humans cause to nature and ecosystems. This led me to pursue my undergraduate studies in Environmental Sciences at Kabul University. During my undergraduate studies, I realized the crucial impact of forests on our environment. And on a trip to Turkey, I had the chance to become more involved with forests and was fascinated by their natural beauty and function. This inspired me to pursue my graduate studies in forest science at Padua University. From there, I became excited about the TRANSFOR-M program, and I am confident that this unique opportunity at UBC will provide me with the knowledge required for a master’s degree in forestry. With my background in Environmental Science and Forestry, I have developed a keen interest in the impact of climate change on natural resource management. At UBC, I aim to focus more deeply on the effects of climate change on forest ecosystems and community-based forest management. Alongside my academic pursuits, I would like to participate in extracurricular activities and volunteer work. Additionally, in my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, playing football, and hiking.
Salehi, Hero

I’m originally from Kurdistan, Iran. My academic journey in forestry began when I pursued a B.Sc. in Natural Resources Engineering with a specialization in Forestry at the University of Kurdistan, Iran. During my undergraduate years, I immersed myself in the captivating world of forest management and conservation. Currently, I am pursuing an M.Sc. in Forest Science at the University of Padova, Italy. Before embarking on my M.Sc. journey, I worked as a Forest and Rangeland Expert with the Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management in Baneh, Iran. Over seven years, I had the privilege to contribute to various vital projects, such as forest fire prevention and suppression, erosion management, flood and soil erosion control, and the implementation of natural resources cadastral plans. Throughout my career, I remained an active member of the Baneh Green Environmental Association, a local NGO focused on promoting natural resources awareness in schools and rural communities. Engaging with the community and spreading environmental awareness has always been close to my heart. The TRANSFOR-M program at UBC offers an exceptional opportunity for me to deepen my knowledge, enhance my research skills, and collaborate with experts in the field. I am eager to expand my horizons and explore innovative strategies for sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation. I look forward to contributing to the field of forestry and advocating for sustainable resource management practices to safeguard the environment for future generations.
Sanders, Jonas

I have lived my whole life in Calgary, Alberta, spending most weekends out at my grandparents’ farm near Cremona, Alberta. I studied ecology at the University of Calgary, graduating in 2024. My work experience includes growing native plants for use in mine site reclamation, acting as a technician in a lab studying ecosystem dynamics in protist microcosms and outreach for a conservation non-profit. I love hiking in the Rocky Mountains, as well as the prairies and badlands of Alberta. I also enjoy cycling and kayaking. I decided to pursue a Masters’ program through the UBC Faculty of Forestry because conservation of the natural world is of great importance to me. The TRANSFOR-M program allows me to study conservation methods in different parts of the world, giving a more versatile set of ideas and skills. I look forward to beginning my studies in Bangor, Wales this fall.
Shenton, Emma

I was born in Nottingham, England, and I grew up in Big Rapids, Michigan. Growing up by the Great Lakes and the Eastern White Pines, I grew to love the natural environment, having always felt more at ease in nature than in cities. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania. After my studies, I participated in a one-year AmeriCorps Fellowship with the Billings Parks and Recreation Department in Montana, implementing a citywide fruit tree project and community garden leadership team. This past year, I was a Fellow at the City of La Mesa in southern California, working on a variety of climate action plan implementation projects including analyzing the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan. Over time, I have realized how passionate I am about trees, and I hope to back this passion up with technical knowledge and practical application. I am looking forward to starting my studies at Bangor University in Wales this fall followed by UBC in 2024. Through TRANFOR-M, I hope to learn more about the type of world we are still capable of building with sustainable forest management, land stewardship practices, and community education. In my spare time I enjoy trivia nights, playing board games, hiking, and reading.
Smith, Cèilidh

Hello! My name is Cèilidh and I’m from Abbotsford, BC, Canada. I graduated in May 2024 from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Conservation, Major in Global Perspectives. During my undergrad, I worked as a field research assistant for the UBC Tree Ring Lab, where I got to travel across the British Columbia Interior and study wildfire risk assessment/management, dendrochronology, Indigenous fire chronologies, and plant phenology. I studied abroad throughout my degree in Hawaii, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. I also completed a research Directed Studies during the final year of my undergrad, where I worked in collaboration with UBC and Mission Community Forest to create a climate change vulnerability and adaptation plan for the city of Mission, BC, Canada. With this project, I had the amazing opportunity to represent my research team and present our work at the European Forum on Urban Forestry in Zagreb, Croatia in May 2024. I have chosen TRANSFOR-M as it allows me to pursue my interests in urban forestry, nature-oriented climate solutions, and community engagement with hands-on, international experiences. I plan on using my dual degrees, from UBC and SLU, to forge a career for myself in community and urban forestry.
Tanner, Lucas

I am originally from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. In 2022, I completed my Bachelor of Environmental Studies degree at the University of Waterloo in Geography and Environmental Management. I am currently living in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia where I work in silviculture forestry for Taan Forest. I have previously worked as a Forestry Engineer for local Haida contractors. I was intrigued by the TRANSFOR-M program because it presented me with an opportunity to strengthen my credentials in the industry and aid me in my pursuit of an RPF designation in the future. My career goals are to manage a sustainable forestry firm that provides Haida Gwaii with economic and environmental benefits while protecting its natural beauty for future generations.
Usmani, Khawlah

Hello everyone, I’m Khawlah from Toronto, Ontario! Although I grew up in the urban matrix of the city, for as long as I can remember, the forest has been an escape for me and the place I feel most myself. Despite this, I found myself pursuing human biology during my undergraduate studies and I quickly came to realize that my true passion was for trees, plants, and everything to do with nature. I was fortunate to be able to fuel this passion through a multitude of field ecology courses and research projects that summated to my final thesis project: exploring bee pollinator effectiveness in Toronto urban areas. Through these valuable experiences, I was able to graduate from the University of Toronto completing my HBSc in Conservation and Biodiversity and Human Biology. This past summer, I worked with a local urban forestry organization, where I assisted in tree planting events and worked with Toronto communities to spread awareness of the urban forest. I am looking forward to starting my Masters of Forest Science at the University of Padova this fall, to explore rich perspectives of the global ecosystem further. Through TRANSFOR-M, I hope to combine my passion for nature with my interests in ethnoforestry, ecology, and agroforestry, to ultimately find my place in the vast world of forestry. Outside of my studies, you can find me reading, baking, running, knitting, and hiking!
Weaver, Benjamin

Benjamin is from Boulder, Colorado, and attended the University of California, Santa Cruz. While attending school at UCSC, he experienced the 2020 CZU Complex Fire. This significantly impacted his interest in forestry and ecosystems’ response to disturbances. After graduating with a double major in Ecology/Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, he worked seasonally in 2022 as a Forestry Technician, and again in 2023 on a Timber Stand Improvement team for The Great Basin Institute as a crew lead. These positions allowed him hands-on experience and motivated him to pursue a Master’s in Forestry and Land Management as a means to prepare him for more senior roles in the field. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, backpacking, climbing, and any other excuse to get into the outdoors.