UBC Forestry is excited to announce that Dr. Andrea Lyall has been awarded the UBC Dissertation Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities! As winner of the UBC Dissertation Prize, Andrea has also been nominated for the CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards Competition. Only two UBC candidates are nominated for this national level competition.
Dr. Andrea Lyall’s doctoral dissertation is entitled “Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw People – Forests Relationships: The Forests are Our Cupboards, The Ocean is our Refrigerator”
This research explores the integral relationship between forests and the Ḵwiḵwa̱sut’inux̱w Ha̱xwa’mis community in present-day British Columbia, Canada, focusing on how forests are central to their identity, culture, and livelihoods. Utilizing Indigenous methodologies and participatory action research, Andrea’s research highlights the significance of forests in maintaining cultural identity, traditional practices, and access to essential resources such as traditional foods and western red cedar, while addressing concerns about cultural erosion and limited forest preservation policies within the community.