Congratulations to Dr. Taraneh Sowlati who has been named a fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS).
The designation is testimony to Dr. Sowlati’s significant scientific advancements within the field of wood science. For more than a decade, her primary area of research at UBC Forestry has been on forest-based biomass utilization and optimizing all aspects of its supply chain.
She readily admits today’s supply chain challenges, which include what the COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine and even transport staffing shortages have caused, will factor into ongoing research projects that already incorporate a complex myriad of challenges.
“Biomass supply chain issues encompass everything from high costs associated with delivering materials to bioconversion facilities to government carbon pricing policies which can vary from country to country and even region to region.”
Dr. Sowlati points out further that her research team’s focus also considers the sustainable aspects of biomass supply chain management.
“We look at the environmental and social impacts of supply chains and as such are factoring in sustainability into our multi-criteria decision-making recommendations,” she says. “We’re always trying to address multiple viewpoints on this subject. It all comes down to the realization that one solution does not fit all.”
Dr. Taraneh Sowlati’s Awards
In the fall, Dr. Sowlati received the 2021 Best Publication Award in Natural Resources from The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Energy, Natural Resources & the Environment Section (ENRE). Dr. Sowlati’s winning publication, Impact of carbon pricing policies on the cost and emission of the biomass supply chain: Optimization models and a case study, looks at the impact of carbon pricing policies on the optimum solutions of case-independent biomass supply chain models.
In past years, she received the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Service Award and this year she is the conference chair for the CORS/INFORMS international conference happening in Vancouver in June 2022.
About IAWS
Established in 1966, IAWS was created to promote and advance wood research, development, and innovation. The association is a non-profit assembly of wood scientists, recognizing all fields of wood science with their associated technological domains, and securing a worldwide representation.
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