In the Spotlight

UBC Forestry’s In the Spotlight series introduces you to the stories and people that drive our Faculty forward. As we share their breadth of knowledge and lived experiences, we hope to inspire all to reflect and learn about how our Forestry community can work together to build a brighter future.

In the Spotlight: Dr. Alex Moore

Dec 10, 2022
Dr. Alex Moore is an Assistant Professor at UBC, jointly appointed to the faculties of Forestry and Science. Their research focuses on how predator-prey interactions impact coastal wetland ecosystems and explores culture's role in ecosystem restoration and conservation. Through their work, Dr. Moore seeks to directly engage with communities historically marginalized in STEM fields and encourage people to reconnect with their environment.

In the Spotlight: Dr. Juliet Lu

Oct 07, 2022
Juliet Lu is an Assistant Professor with both the Faculty of Forestry and UBC’s School for Public Policy and Global Affairs. She is a political ecologist focused on the implications of China’s growing investments in land and other resources in Southeast Asia and beyond.

In the Spotlight: Dr. Felix Wiesner

Sep 28, 2022
As a leader in sustainable timber engineering, UBC Forestry warmly welcomes Dr. Felix Wiesner to our Department of Wood Science as an Assistant Professor in Sustainable Timber-Built Environment – Fire Safety.

In the Spotlight: Dr. Minghao Li

Sep 16, 2022
UBC Forestry welcomes Dr. Minghao Li, Associate Professor in Sustainable Timber-build Environment, to the Department of Wood Science. With an extensive research background in high-performance engineered wood products and connection systems, multi-story mass timber and timber-steel hybrid structures, Dr. Li joins the newly formed Wood Building Science and Technology Cluster to continue to advance innovative solutions to complex structural issues.