Junior Forestry Technician at Atlas Information Management in Balfour, BC

This summer I was in Kootenay Area, have been working as a Junior Forestry Technician for Atlas Information Management. This is my first co-op work term. I am glad that I have this opportunity to get a real insight into the forestry industry.
I was focused on pre-harvest development which provides business for our client BC Timber Sales. The work includes but is not limited to field data collection and uploading, riparian assessments, old growth verification, using GPS equipment to traverse, and so on. This field information is supporting the planning, design, and management of natural resources.
In my opinion, this is a great method to introduce students to the field. Applying academic knowledge to real-world situations is usually beneficial. It also gives students who haven’t spent much time outdoors a chance to decide early on if forestry is the right field for them.
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