Dr. Richard Hamelin

Dr. Richard Hamelin is Professor and Head of the Forest and Conservation Sciences department at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Forestry. He works on pressing forest health issues in the Anthropocene such as invasive pathogens and pests and climate change. He works on the development of tools for pathogen detection and novel genomic approaches for pathogen surveillance to improve our understanding of disease outbreaks. He has trained 60 graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and research staff, published over 190 peer-reviewed scientific articles and delivered more than 300 presentations around the world. He was president of the Canadian Phytopathological Society and the Quebec Society for Plant Protection. He was elected a Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society and received the International Union of Forest Research Organization Scientific Achievement Award, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award, Merit Awards from Natural Resources Canada, the Canadian Forest Service, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and the Quebec Society for Plant Protection for his pioneering work on the application of genomics in forest protection.
Dr. Allan Carroll

Dr. Allan Carroll is Professor at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Forestry. He conducts research on the role of climate change in the population dynamics and impacts of eruptive forest insects, the coevolution of insect-plant interactions, integrated management of forest insect populations and on advanced techniques for detection and monitoring of forest insect populations. He was awarded the Chaire Internationale, Bureau des Relations Internationales et de la Cooperation, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and Awards of Excellence for Executive Leadership and for Merit Award for Creativity and Innovation from Natural Resources Canada.