Hamelin, Richard
Department Head, Forest Conservation Sciences
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences
Forest Sciences Centre 3042
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
work phone: 604-827-4441
I study diseases of trees and I use genetic and genomic approaches to better understand forest disease epidemics and to develop innovative diagnostic and surveillance tools.
BioSAFE: (Biosurveillance of Alien Forest Enemies). Genomics-enhanced surveillance and monitoring of alien forest insects and pathogens.
CoAdapTree. Development of models and tools to predict and monitor climate-change impact on forest health.
Biology and genomics of tree rust diseases.
DNA barcoding of Forest Pathogens.
Fellow, American Phytopathological Society, 2020
Scientific Achievement Award, International Union of Forest Research Organization, 2014
Hommage René-Pomerleau for pioneering work in Forest Pathology Award (Quebec Society for Plant Protection, 2008) 2008
Merit Award (Canadian Forest Service, 2008) 2008
Merit Award for Creativity and Innovation (Natural Resources Canada, 2008) 2008
Certificate of Recognition Award (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 2007) 2007
Graduate Research in Engineering and Technology (GREAT) Award, (B. C. Science Council, 1985) 1985
President’s award, (Simon Fraser University 1984) 1984