Seasonal Aquatics Biologist at Poseidon Environmental Ltd. in Hinton, AB

For my first work term as a NRC co-op student, I am working with Poseidon Environmental LTD in the foothills of the Rockies, Hinton, Alberta. This summer has been truly eye opening as I have learned some amazing things about local fish, fish habitats, eDNA practices, electrofishing and methods of constructing culverts and bridges that provide for safe fish passage. My main roles as an Aquatics Biologist include conducting fish habitat assessments, stream crossing inspections, assisting with electrofishing, turbidity monitoring at stream construction sites, and eDNA sampling and processing. My work involves a lot of travelling to reach the sites that require inspections and assessments, and this has allowed me to venture deep into the foothills and see some beautiful sceneries and wildlife!
As the summer has progressed, I have learned a lot about the inner workings of the Forestry and Oil and Gas industries, and just how many precautions these companies we contract for take to limit impacts on wildlife (especially fish). I’ve also learned how to be confident and comfortable working alone in the wilderness (despite encountering multiple bears a week) and practice wildlife safety. Joining co-op shows you just how many different spheres are intertwined within the field of Forestry, and allows you to venture out and explore some cool opportunities that you may have never thought of or considered before starting your career in Forestry!
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