Assistant Forestry Technician at Strategic Natural Resource Consultants in Campbell River, BC

During the second term of my 8 month Co-op with Strategic Natural Resource Consultants, I have continued contributing to a variety of Forestry related projects. I’ve spent the majority of my time conducting forest regeneration surveys, in which I help assess the health and abundance of regenerating trees in cutblocks using statistical sampling methods. During the fire season, I assisted with thermal drone scanning of wildfires for the B.C. Wildfire Service. My main role was to use arcGIS to help make maps of wildfire hotspots collected by the drone. Other projects I have worked on include an urban forest inventory, hazard tree assessments and forest engineering. There have been challenges along the way such as trying to walk through dense, uneven and sharp terrain, with swarming mosquitos and intense heat or rainfall. But the privellage of being able to work in the beauty of B.C.’s coastal temperate forests makes up for it! The variety of work I have received with Strategic has given me a well rounded perspective of the demands of the Forestry industry and how those demands are changing over time due to factors including technological innovations such as drones and environmental factors such as flooding/drought that are shaping the policy landscape of Forestry. Thank you to the Co-op program and Strategic for providing me with this valuable learning opportunity!
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