Revisiting the Forest-Based Bioeconomy: Integrating Biomass Supply Scenarios and Advancing Open Systems for Cumulative Effects Management
This seminar examines realistic forest biomass forecasting, integrating ecological and economic modeling to support sustainable, data-driven decisions in Canada’s bioeconomy.
Feng Jiang Receives UBC Killam Faculty Research Prize in the Sciences and Applied Sciences
UBC Forestry would like to congratulate Dr. Feng Jiang, Assistant Professor in the Department of Wood Science, on being the recipient of the UBC Killam Faculty Research Prize
Alumni Profile: Shalom Addo-Danso
Meet Shalom Addo-Danso. UBC Forestry Alumnus and a leader in research advancement, Shalom’s work is informing national forest policy and shepherding the next generation of ecologists, especially those in Africa.
Taraneh Sowlati Receives the CORS Merit Award
UBC Forestry wishes to congratulate Professor Taraneh Sowlati on receiving the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Merit Award! The Award of Merit is presented annually to a current or past member of CORS, acknowledging their noteworthy achievements and valuable contributions to the field of operational research.
Dr. Feng Jiang Named in the Paper360º 2022 Top 50 Power List
UBC Forestry congratulates Assistant Professor Dr. Feng Jiang for being named one of eight Young Professionals in the Paper360º 2022 Top 50 Power List. Dr. Jiang’s research focuses on the conversion of naturally abundant biomass into functional biomaterials through cost-effective and energy-efficient methods.
UBC Researchers Suggest Plastic Food Packaging Alternatives Need Further Development
With single-use plastics on their way to being banned and the growing demand for recyclable and biodegradable materials, UBC researchers are intensifying their efforts to find cost-effective, technically viable solutions.
Taraneh Sowlati Named Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science
UBC Forestry congratulates Dr. Taraneh Sowlati for being named a fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS). The designation is testimony to Dr. Sowlati’s significant scientific advancements within the field of wood science.