El-Lakany, Hosny
Adjunct Professor
Director, International Program
Department of Forest Resources Management
Forest Sciences Centre, 2028- 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia,
V6T 1Z4, Canada
work phone: 604 822 6921
Research Areas:
I began my academic research in forest genetics and tree breeding in Canada, then teaching and research in stress physiology and tree breeding for drought resistance and salt tolerance in the dry tropics – Alexandria University; and integrated research and development – the American University in Cairo, Egypt.
I joined the UN-FAO first as the Director of the Forest Resources, then FAO Assistant Director-General and Head the Forestry Department. In that capacity I, i.a. advised the FAO Director-General on global policy and political matters related to Forestry and Sustainable Development.
Current research interests
International aspects of SFM; the role of forestry in intergovernmental agreements such as climate change, biodiversity, desertification, and sustainable development; global forest governance and institutions; and international negotiation dynamics.
International forestry issues, institutions and diplomacy (Masters of International Forestry).
- Professional Development Award, IDRC of Canada.
- Global Citizen Award, UBC Alumni Association.
- International Forester Achievement Award, Canadian Institute of Forestry.
Recent Publications
- El-Lakany, H. (2016). Sustainable forest management (SFM) from an international perspective. Chapter 12, John L. Innes and Anna V. Tikina (Eds): Sustainable Forest Management – from concept to practice. Routledge; The Earthscan Forest Library. P. 272-290.
- Halshaw, H. and El-Lakany, H. (2016), Public participation in forest land-use decision-making. Chapter 11, John L. Innes and Anna V. Tikina (Eds): Sustainable Forest Management – from concept to practice. Routledge; The Earthscan Forest Library. P. 257-271.
- Gregersen, H., El-Lakany, H. and Blaser, J. (2017). Forests for Sustainable Development: A process approach to forest sector contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Special Issue, The International Forestry Review: Shifting global development discourses — implications for forests and livelihoods.pp. 10-23.
- El-Lakany, H. (2017). Forest gene conservation from the perspective of the international community. Proceedings of the “Gene Conservation of Tree Species – Banking on The Future “. (https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/55062) and the Special issue of the New Forests (v48, No 2 March 2017).
- El-Lakany, H. (2017). Mapping and gap analysis of forest-related activities of members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF). The World Bank, Washington, DC.
- El-Lakany, H. and Leonard, S. (2017). Triggering Transformational Change in Land Use through REDD+. CIFOR.
- Buckley, K., El-Lakany, H. and Arts, A. (2018). Analyzing the Negotiation Dynamics Leading to the Prominence of Forests in the Paris Agreement of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Journal of Arbitration and Mediation, Vol. 7 No.1, pp. 95-113.
- Gregersen, H., P.A. Dewees, H. El-Lakany, B. Singer and J. Blaser (2020). Global Forest Governance and Sustainable Development: Reflections on the Life and Times of John Spears. International Forestry Review Vol.22(2), 142-154.
- Gregersen, H., El-Lakany, H. and Frechette, A. (2020). The contributions of the forest, agroforest and tree (FAT) sector to the achievement of the ethical mandate, “leave no one behind”, underlying the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030. Rights and Resources Institute, Washington, DC. PP 47,