Enhancing Biomass Utilization for Economic, Environmental, and Social Benefits in British Columbia – What Can Be Done?

AUTHORS: J. Aeyelts, J. Bulkan, D. Roeser (Faculty of Forestry), X. Bi, R. Clift and H. Wang (Faculty of Applied Science Chemical & Biological Engineering) University of British Columbia

In British Columbia (BC) roughly 64 million m³ of logs are harvested annually. Market conditions and government taxes dictate which logs are harvested by forestry companies.

Flipping the Script on Residual Fibre: Enhancing Utilization for a Sustainable Forest Industry

AUTHORS: J. Aeyelts, J. Bulkan, D. Roeser (Faculty of Forestry), X. Bi, R. Clift and H. Wang (Faculty of Applied Science Chemical & Biological Engineering) University of British Columbia

The practice of burning harvest residuals is deeply embedded in British Columbia’s (BC) forestry sector. While this was a logical practice when first mandated in 1938, global and local circumstances have evolved and so must forestry practices.