UBC Forestry would like to emphasize our shared commitment to inclusive and diverse educational environments, with a special focus today on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) education. Let’s stand together for acceptance, empathy, and equality.
If you are experiencing hate or discrimination, please know that help is available. If you witness discrimination, you’re encouraged to take steps to support those in the situation. Below is a list of available supports and resources at UBC:
- If you believe you or others are in physical danger, contact Campus Security (call 604 822 2222) or the police (call 911) immediately.
- You can request an advising appointment with an impartial human rights advisor at the Equity and Inclusion Office.
- You may also want to contact the Office of the Ombudsperson for Students, an independent, impartial, and confidential resource that supports students in addressing and resolving concerns about unfair treatment at UBC.
- Other UBC staff members are available to help, such as academic advisors from your program or faculty or staff and faculty members in your department.
- The University provides a wide range of health and wellness resources, including counselling services.
- SOGI UBC offers a variety of resources to support you in creating safer and more welcoming schools.