Dual Degree with Education

Complete your Forestry Bachelor Degree alongside a Bachelor of Education.

The dual degree program provides a more integrated learning experience and an efficient way to earn two degrees. Save time, and money, and enhance your learning opportunities by enrolling in a dual degree program. You can apply starting in your second year in Forestry.

Earn a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources and a Bachelor of Education (Secondary Biological Sciences) simultaneously.

This 5-year program, taught by the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Education, provides a more efficient pathway toward earning your professional teaching certificate. By fulfilling both the BSc and BEd requirements in only 5 years, you graduate from a program defined by an integrated learning experience with earlier opportunities to practice teaching.

If you’re interested in becoming a secondary school science teacher (grades 8 to 12), the Forestry Dual Degree option would be an ideal education pathway for you.

For more information, please visit the Faculty of Education website or contact our Student Services team.