Welcome to UBC Faculty of Forestry’s Undergraduate Student Services, where a team of knowledgeable and committed professionals can assist you with various academic, career, and personal matters. Whether you have questions about your studies, career trajectory, or personal development, our team is here to provide guidance and support. Don’t hesitate to reach out—your success is our priority, and we look forward to helping you navigate your undergraduate journey confidently and efficiently.
Undergraduate Student Services Team

Chiara Longhi
Director, Student Services
Chiara is responsible for providing leadership and strategic direction for the Forestry Undergraduate Student Services team. Her goal is to help create a positive experience for all Forestry undergraduate students and to support student success, academic and otherwise. She acts as an advocate for students who require special assistance and provide information about the university’s academic policies and resources. If you are facing a medical, emotional, or personal situation that you think may negatively impact your academic performance, please contact Chiara as quickly as possible to discuss your options.
Chiara is also involved with recruitment, admissions, student orientations and events, scholarships, course scheduling, student adjudication and appeals, and general student advising. Chiara holds an M.A. in Cultural Geography from the University of Pisa, Italy.
Office: FSC 2613 | Phone: 604-822-9187 | Email: chiara.longhi@ubc.ca
To Book an Appointment with Chiara, please contact her directly or email forestry.undergrad@ubc.ca

Ana Curcin
Associate Director, Student Services
Ana’s primary role is that of an advisor for new and returning domestic and international undergraduate students within the Faculty of Forestry. She also works as a student recruiter for the Faculty and as someone who can assist with student exchanges.
Ana is there to provide information on academic policies, campus resources, and address any questions or concerns students may have. She is committed to provide a positive and welcoming student services environment that all students can take advantage of and which will help them achieve their academic goals.
Ana holds a B.A. from UBC as well as an M.A. in Sociology from the University of Victoria.
Office: FSC 2617 | Phone: 604-827-5195 | Email: ana.curcin@ubc.ca

Janna Kellett
Student Recruiter & Advisor
Janna’s primary role is also that of an advisor for new and returning domestic and international undergraduate students within the Faculty of Forestry. University can be a very challenging, yet rewarding experience and Janna’s role is to help guide students on how to successfully navigate their degree and time at UBC Forestry. She is there to provide information, resources, and academic planning. Janna can also help with any questions and concerns students may have. Her goal is to provide students with a welcoming, safe, and positive environment.
Janna holds a B.A. from Simon Fraser University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Communications.
Office: FSC 2613| Phone: 604-827-3082| Email: janna.kellett@ubc.ca

Nicole Adoranti
Embedded Counsellor
Nicole holds a Masters of Education in Counselling and focuses on providing single session or short-term counselling, triage and referrals to students, while also promoting mental health through the development of wellness programming with the rest of our Student Services team. With years of experience working directly with diverse audiences and students from different cultures and backgrounds, Nicole aims to make mental health resources more accessible.
Office: FSC 2609A | Phone: 604 827-1555 | Email: nicole.adoranti@ubc.ca

Lydia Braam
Student Engagement Officer
Lydia’s work focuses on enhancing student life by helping students find and connect with experiential learning, leadership, and career development opportunities that are meaningful to them. She leads the Forestry Orientation and Transition program, the Forestry Tri-Mentoring Program, Peer-Assisted Study Sessions, and also provides one-on-one involvement advising for students looking to get involved, master new skills and take on new and interesting challenges.
Lydia holds a B.A. from the University of Guelph in International Development, with a concentration in Environment and Development, and an M.Ed. in Adult Learning & Global Change from UBC.
Office: FSC 2611 | Phone: 604-827-2740 | Email: lydia.braam@ubc.ca

Niamh Harold
Student Services Office Coordinator
Niamh works as the initial point of contact for the Forestry Student Services team and assists students and the general public with a wide range of questions relating to our Faculty. She also performs a number of other administrative functions including booking appointments with Student Advisors as well as assisting with course scheduling and event planning. Niamh holds a B.A. in Environment and Sustainability from the University of British Columbia.
Office: FSC 2609 | Phone: 604-822-1834 | Email: niamh.harold@ubc.ca

Alberto Renteria
Co-op Coordinator
Alberto works alongside our Co-op team to support Forestry students in their career journey from job-searching to interview preparation. He facilitates a range of pre-employment and career management workshops, and also provides advising services to prospective undergraduate students looking to learn more about co-op opportunities. Alberto holds a B.A. from UVM in International Affairs and a B.A. in Business Administration with a major in Human Resources from South Alberta Institute of Technology.
Office: FSC 2609 | Phone: 604-822-4793 | Email: alberto.renteria@ubc.ca

Joris (Xuan) Jun
Transfer Program Manager
As the Transfer Program Manager, Joris helps the 2+2/3+2 transfer programs and works closely with the partner Chinese forestry universities. She supports the transfer students by offering mentorships, online courses, orientation, workshops, and social events. She also works as the transfer student recruiter and provides info-sessions to the prospective 3+2/2+2 transfer students. Joris holds a BSc in Forest resources management and a MSc in Forestry from UBC.
Office: FSC 3644 | Phone: 604-822-0516 | Email: joris.jun@ubc.ca
Undergraduate Student Services Office Hours
- Mondays: 9:00am-12:30pm, 2:30-4:00pm
- Tuesdays: 1:30-4:00pm
- Wednesdays: 9:00am-12:30pm, 1:30-4:00pm
- Thursdays: 9:00am-12:30pm, 1:30-4:00pm
- Fridays: 9:00am-12:30pm
Drop-in advising is available during regular office hours. Advising appointments can also be arranged by email: forestry.undergrad@ubc.ca
Address and Directions
Office: Room 2609, Forest Science Centre, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver (UBC Campus)
Phone: 604-822-1834 (Toll-free: 1-888-933-9663)
Fax: 604-822-8645
Email: forestry.undergrad@ubc.ca
Directions to our office
View a map of the UBC campus; the red arrow points to the Forest Sciences Centre. When you arrive, walk up the curved wooden staircase (or take the elevator to the second floor) and ask for Student Services at the main reception desk or turn left and follow the signs.
UBC Student Services
The UBC Student Services website provides easy access to the complete range of student services, including admissions and application status, registration, the University Calendar, Awards and Financial Aid, career info, health services, and much more.
Office of the Ombudsperson for Students
For students requiring an independent, impartial and confidential resource, the Office of the Ombudsperson for Students works with UBC community members to ensure students are treated fairly and can learn, work and live in a fair, equitable, and respectful environment.