The Forestry Undergraduate Society (FUS) is the student government representative in the Faculty of Forestry within the Alma Mater Society (AMS) of UBC and is made up of approximately 28 student-elected members from all years and degree programs in the Faculty of Forestry.
The members of the FUS represent all Faculty of Forestry students and act as the voice of the students in matters that need to be brought to the attention of the Faculty. The FUS organizes and runs social and recreational activities for students in our faculty.
Two large social events are organized each year by the FUS, Undercut in the fall and Coconut in the spring. The FUS also runs a variety of events during Forestry Week (the third week of September), sponsors the Forestry Logger Sports Team, and organizes intramural sports teams.
The FUS Office is located in the Forest Sciences Centre in Room 1618. The door is always open and all forestry students are welcome to use the microwave, fridge, and telephone found here.