Forest Operations

Be part of the local, national and global movement to drive positive change in forest operations by gaining hands-on knowledge in forest land management using the latest science and technology. With timber demand growing due to its renewable nature, the world will continue to need reliable executors of forest operations. Graduates are eligible to become Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) with essential skills applicable to areas such as sustainable forest planning, harvest and transportation methods, engineering, community forestry and policy decision-making.

What You Will Learn

Forest Operations prepares students to plan and implement complex harvesting strategies that maximize economic returns and minimize environmental impacts.  The program broadly draws from the biological, physical and social sciences and features advanced courses on geotechnical engineering, forest road design and slope stability, development and assessment of harvesting and transportation systems, reforestation and cutting-edge silviculture.  You will become a well-rounded and interdisciplinary professional with skills in field measurements, data analysis, engineering, scientific writing and communications.

Field School:

Students majoring in Forest Operations will participate in an immersive fall camp. This hands-on experience will provide them with essential skills and knowledge to effectively address real-world forestry challenges.

Dual Degree Option

Earn a Bachelor of Natural Resources in Forest Operations and a Master of Management in 4.5 years with the Forestry Dual Degree program.

Land One Option

The Land One program is a great option for first-year students who want a smaller classroom experience. Learn about forest management and food security in a tight-knit cohort environment.

Co-op Option

Apply for our Forestry Co-op Program to gain paid work experience related to your degree and acquire the experience necessary to launch your career.