2024 UBC Sustainability Education Fellows
Congratulations to all of the Forestry and Land and Food faculty on becoming UBC Sustainability Fellows!
Black Faculty Cohort in Food, Forests and Bio(Fuels)
The Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems are excited to announce that we will be hiring three new faculty members in the areas of Food, Forests and Bio(Fuels). This is part of The University of British Columbia’s Black Cohort Hiring Initiative.
Growing Indigenous Forest Gardens
Many Indigenous land management practices are being reclaimed and adapted in the modern context by Indigenous communities, says Jennifer Grenz, yet few are currently integrated into non-Indigenous-led forestry operations, despite their potential to improve climate resiliency.
Meet Our New Embedded Counsellor for UBC Forestry Students
UBC Forestry warmly welcomes Nicole Adoranti, a Canadian Certified Counsellor, as our newly Embedded Counsellor for both the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and the Faculty of Forestry. Nicole holds a Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology and has been a counsellor in both private practice and the post-secondary environment.