Hire Education
Co-op is an exciting opportunity for undergraduate students to gain paid work experience related to their degree and acquire the experience necessary to launch their careers.
For employers in today’s competitive job market, co-op allows you to fill short-term hiring needs as well as pre-screen and train potential future employees.
Explore this website to learn more about the UBC Faculty of Forestry Co-op Program and how you can participate.

Meet Krystal
BSc Student
This program promises you an outdoor adventure for the rest of your career! Applied practical sciences will help you understand the bigger picture of forest resources management and forest ecosystems, giving you the knowledge to sustainably manage our forest resources. Co-op placements open up a world of possibilities and no shortage of forests to explore!
Co-op Events
Learn more about the Co-op Information Sessions, Co-op Presentation Night and Get Hired event series happening every year.