At BC Hydro, we very much value the relationship we have with UBC’s Forestry Co-op Program and we are always impressed at the excellent calibre of students that come from the program. The Co-op Program is an excellent way for students to build real-life working skills and leverage their academic training. It allows students to network with others and explore a variety of career opportunities. At the same time it enables companies to identify and develop potential future employees.
Tom Wells
Vegetation Prog Manager | BC Hydro

The ability to integrate well-educated students into the workforce for some real-world experience is great. Students coming out of the CAWP program for co-op terms are a benefit to the company and are able to work on special programs to further the overall development of the organization.
John Neels
VP of Manufacturing | Westeck Windows and Doors

The Wood Products Processing Co-op students have been integral in Superior Cabinets’ ability to become an innovative leader in the Canadian kitchen cabinet industry, co-op students can hit-the-ground-running and are able to focus attention on projects that would not see the light of day otherwise. Not only do they learn from us, we learn so much from them as well, it’s truly a synergistic relationship.
Jovan Larre
Engineering and Development Manager | Superior Cabinets

At Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, I offer a variety of research-based tasks to co-op students. Some research involves computer and analytical work but students also have the opportunity to make field observations, take samples of soil, water, plants, and manure, and conduct laboratory analysis of these samples. Because I have a small program, with limited staff resources, I am able to get the co-op student involved in all of our activities, so they get a lot of variety. My program also involves a variety of agricultural issues including soil nutrient and manure management and analyzing adoption trends of a variety of environmentally-friendly farming practices. Other scientists at our Centre focus on research at a small plot scale, whereas my work investigates the feasibility of new practices at the field scale on real farms. This provides an added value for students – by participating in the practical application of research to the real world. This involves talking with farmers about the real life issues they face every day and discussing the potential benefits and possible obstacles when considering the adoption of new practices. Without a co-op student, I would not be able to accomplish my project objectives.
Dennis Haak
Senior Soil Specialist | Agri-Food Canada – Agassiz, BC